Sunday, April 7, 2013

Back on track ... hopefully!

It's been months since we've posted.  What can we say?  
Life's demands take over and .. well, posting doesn't happen!  
We're hoping to get back on track and stay on track.  Hoping.

So what's a blog without photos?  Wordy.  
For your enjoyment, hot off Dad's digital camera -- 
Easter Portraits 2013.

The Aranas Clan
Big Brother -- at 20yo -- still hates taking pictures for us.  Still hoping to be a nurse and is extremely bothered that Statistics is a required college course.  If You Tube was a wave he'd be surfing it during all his free time.  Oh wait, he IS surfing it during all his free time!  Suffers from chronic losing things syndrome. 
Edna -- soon to be 18, can't decide which college to attend, and can practically sing the entire Les Mis soundtrack on her own. 
Meemz -- will celebrate her sweet 16 this summer -- and desperately wants a job so she can buy new clothes, shoes & Skittles. Her favorite pet is her hair. 
Twitter is 11 and can't be still or quiet, except when sleeping. He sings in the church choir now and was enthused about playing the role of Julius Caesar at his co-op, until reality set in that he'd have to memorize his lines and perform in front of real people. His favorite pet is his Kendama.   
Angel is 9 and a people watcher.  And thinker. She likes knowing how things work and loves telling you why things (including her 11 yo brother) don't work. She is really enjoying the Nancy Drew series.       
Little Man is now 7 and has shown great responsibility in taking care of his leopard gecko, Samson. He likes to play rough but still loves baby talk and sleeping in Mom's bed. 
At 5, and still the baby of the family, Coco loves food and life.  She brightens up the family without even tryingShe's trying to convince Mom to let her hair grow out but Mom isn't ready for that and neither is Coco.
And just for fun ... here's the Aranas Clan circa 2009.  Same pose as top photo.  My, how we've grown.  And grayed. But we've got our health, stable employment (fingers crossed), the same home over our head, and our wonderful Catholic Faith to enrich our lives.  God is good.  

1 comment:

Lena said...

beautiful family at all seasons!