Monday, May 27, 2013

First Holy Communion

                                       On May 11th, Little Man made his First Holy Communion.

                                                   Lined up outside getting ready to process in...

Ecce Agnus Dei
              No  photos were allowed when the children received the Holy Eucharist for the first time,
but from the choir loft, the big girls were able to see the big grin 
Little Man wore as he returned to the pew.

After mass, the First Communicants returned to the sanctuary to be enrolled in the Brown Scapular.

The very humble Fr. L helped Little Man learn his catechism and celebrated Mass.

IHS: dating from the 8th c., this is an abbreviation for "IHESUS," the way Christ's Name was spelled in the Middle Ages (despite popular belief, the monogram stands neither for "Iesus Hominum Salvator" --"Jesus Saviour of Men" -- nor for "In His Service.") -- Fisheaters


1 comment:

Lena said...

beautiful pictures to capture your blessed day. congrats to your handsome lil' man.