Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Fun!

The summer continues to be full of summery fun times. Yesterday we met up with some homeschooling families in the area and had a park day. The kids really enjoyed themselves despite the nearly triple-digit temperature. The moms and older girls tried to stay cool in the shade and also had a hair party.
Coco puts her shoes on before heading out to play. She ended up taking them off again five minutes later so she could play in the sand.

                  Little Man had plenty of fun making sand castles or volcanoes as I think he called them.

         I finally managed to get him to look up so I could take his picture and even then he wouldn't smile.

                                 Angel and friends used their empty chip bags as impromptu shovels.
                                         Meemz blew bubbles to entertain several of the babies there.
                                      What's better than burying someone that's not you in the sand?
                     The ladies shared and learned different braiding techniques and hair styles.

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